Plant Of Life The wonder of The World (Kalanchoe pinnata) plant, also known as Miracle Leaf, Leaf of Life, Life Plant, Goethe Plant, Mexican Love Plant, Resurrection, or Soanzo Leaf is much celebrated for its curing capabilities. This miracle plant is native to Madagascar. It has also become naturalized in Asia, the Pacific, and all over the Caribbean. Here Are the Amazing Health Benefits Of The Leaf Of Life Plant Treats Kidney stones In case of kidney stones, give 40-50 ml decoction of the whole plant twice a day. You can also give the decoction with 500 mg shilajit and 2 gm. of honey mixed in it. Give this twice a day, it helps treat bile stones easily. Useful in Urinary disorders Give 5 ml juice of its leaves to the patient suffering from thirst and any disorder related to …
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What the pandemic means for government
What the pandemic means for government debt, in five charts Debt levels have surged in EMDEs Unprecedented fiscal stimulus means debt risks have risen. What goes down will eventually come up More debt defaults and debt distress are possible As debt becomes more complex and less transparent, the resolution will become trickier The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a steep increase in debt, particularly in EMDEs. This comes on top of a rapid debt increase since 2010. The COVID-19-related global recession and economic policy response have triggered a surge in debt levels in emerging market. Source continue readingÂ
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Looking into the future
What do you see as a future for our seniors
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Covid 19
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, curfews, quarantines, and similar restrictions (variously described as stay-at-home orders, shelter-in-place orders, cordons sanitaires, shutdowns or lockdowns) have been implemented in numerous countries and territories around the world. These were established to prevent the further spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes COVID-19.[1] By April 2020, about half of the world’s population was under lockdown, with more than 3.9 billion people in more than 90 countries or territories having been asked or ordered to stay at home by their governments.[2] The World Health Organization’s recommendation on curfews and lockdowns is that they should be short-term measures to reorganize, regroup, rebalance resources, and protect health workers who are exhausted. To achieve a balance between restrictions and normal life, the WHO recommends response to the pandemic that consists of strict personal hygiene, effective contact tracing, and isolating when ill. Read More Barbados Updates
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Upgrade Your bathroom
Seamless Shower Walls are our preferred choice. When seniors can safely and easily use the bathroom on their own, it allows them to age in place — and with dignity.  So designing safe and accessible bathrooms are key.  Making accommodations for wheelchairs, walkers, medical equipment, unsteady balance, and more will go a long way in helping your loved one feel independent and safe. Falls represent the leading cause of emergency room visits, and the conditions in a bathroom are unfortunately the perfect storm for falls. The motions of getting up and down, stepping in and out of bathtubs and showers, bending over at the sink, and more aren’t always safe for a senior. And when you add wet conditions to the environment, the bathroom becomes a dangerous place. When the bathroom isn’t well laid out or doesn’t provide aids to …
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By 2025
Barbados believes that the aging population will present many socioeconomic issues for the island BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (CMC) A senior government minister on Monday said that by 2025, at least 20.4 percent of Barbados’s population will consist of older persons. Social Care Minister Steven Blackett, believes this will present many socio-economic issues for the island. Blackett, speaking at the National Societal Consultation, said that the number of people aged 60 and over was growing at an accelerated rate in comparison with other age groups, and presented issues that could not be ignored at the individual, family, organizational, and societal level. “Population aging is occurring in the context of a challenging economic climate, changing family structures, and the growing burden of chronic, non-communicable diseases and their attendant complications. The social environment can create a setting which increases the vulnerability of older persons …
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Aging Trends in Barbados
The aging of Barbadian population is unÂusual in several respects. The median population age, as discussed below, is risÂing rapidly relative to other nations, inÂcluding those of Europe and North America. Among developing countries, Barbados now has one of the highest proÂportions of older persons, with 17 percent of the population aged 55 and over and nearly 11 percent having reached or surÂpassed age 65. Both figures are considerÂably above the Caribbean average (table 1), and are due in part to a steep decline in fertility since 1970, which has lowered the proportion of population in younger age groups. At the same time, however, the number of persons aged 55 and over is declining slightly, and will remain esÂsentially unchanged in the early 1990’s. This reflects, to some extent, the aging of cohorts that have been deciÂmated by past emigration. …
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